Being popular in Asia, izakaya bars have recently gained popularity in the West as well. Now small "diners" with traditional Asian food have turned into trendy establishments with rich cuisine and modern design.
In the architectural concept of the Haiku restaurant in Samara, we embodied the collective image of an Asian city. Like Yin and Yang, the design combines the philosophy of ancient culture and the spirit of a large metropolis with its changeable rhythm of life and endless energy.
We received the project during the covid pandemic, so markings on the floor were added to the interior design concept to indicate a safe distance between tables. So, a seemingly forced measure, became a part of the concept and organically fitted to it.
It is planned that the Haiku restaurants will become a chain, so Pergaev architectural bureau developed a document that describes the concept of the establishment, recommendations for choosing premises, corporate colors, and table arrangements.
The target audience of the restaurant "Haiku” - young people, so with the help of neon signs, wooden cladding of the facade and a bright photo zone, we have created a new point of attraction which is noticeable at any time of the day.
At the same time, the high ceilings became the plus and minus of the chosen room: all the communications running along the ceiling were visible. They could be hidden with decorative structures, but we suggested using a pipeline as a decor!
Such a decision did not require additional financial investments, moreover, it turned out not just to hide the flaws, but to focus on the image of the Asian metropolis.
Art objects are placed throughout the interior of the restaurant, some of which still have a functional purpose: sanitizers are hidden in them, and running neon signs inform visitors about promotions and menu updates.
In order to bring the interior as close as possible to the collective image of an Asian metropolis, we stylized the open kitchen as food trucks — trailers with street food. The result is the effect of a city block, where you can try new, unusual dishes on every corner.
To decorate the premises, we used materials that are most often to be found in colorful Asian quarters. So white tiles appeared on the walls, which is typical for Asian establishments. The underframes are made of fruit crates, and the ordering area is decorated with lightboxes and neon advertising signs. Such solutions are democratic in implementation, but at the same time add the necessary touch of the East.