This section will focus on urban planning and landscaping: what is included in the design work, how much our services cost and what additional services we offer.
Stage 1. Preparation of technical specifications for the design, indicating the result of the work
Stage 2. Sketch concept
2.1 Pre-project analysis.
2.2 Creation of the concept of improvement.
2.3 Development of 3D visualizations.
Stage 3. Development of schemes and statements
3.1 Schemes and statements
3.2 Preliminary cost of implementation
small architecture forms
Result of work:
an album of presentations of visual solutions for functional areas of improvement;
schemes and statements;
preliminary calculation of landscaping elements.
Cost per m2
from 3 ha to 5 ha
from 6 ha to 10 ha
from 11 ha to 20 ha
$4 200
$3 700
$3 500
Additional service
When we create space for the interiors of various public facilities, the question often arises of how this planning solution will cope with the incoming flow of visitors. This is where artificial intelligence comes to our rescue. With the help of information modeling, we form various scenarios for visiting an object, launch virtual visitors, take indicators, draw conclusions: how many people are able to physically accommodate into the object, what bottlenecks are found in the layout, are there blind spots, and so on. How does it look like? Watch the video.
The standard part of an interior design project includes a virtual tour around the facility. You will be able to walk around the future object and feel the atmosphere, space features, lighting quality and ergonomics.
We have a vision of the process and the final result: we create unique architectural concepts for business objects. Shall we put a new point of attraction for the audience on the map of your city?