Thanks to the means of the most modern technology, a wide library of digitized canvases of art and monuments of world culture, means of popularizing natural sciences (cosmology, oceanology, etc.) and modern approaches to digital culture, we have developed a place that is able to absorb the whole world. A high-tech multiverse of art and natural history, where travel through space and time becomes possible.
The projected facility is located in the very heart of the popular urban facility “Noyabrsk Park”. Previously, a Ferris wheel was located on the site of the projected object, but now, when the concept of the park has already been formed, there is a need to create a place that meets the demand of local residents for a modern and technological space for leisure and education. In order to assess the potential of a place from different points of view, several different concepts have been developed, which are fundamentally different from each other.
Dolmens are ancient cult megalithic structures, places of concentration of natural forces and connection with the universe. Having rethought the ancient places of power, we have developed the concept of a modern museum-dolmen, a large-scale monumental structure for travel in time and communication with any point of our vast galaxy.
OCULUS can be translated both as “eye” and as “gaze, glance”. The power that is able to embrace the whole world, to absorb it into itself. The volumetric composition of the OCULUS museum is a gigantic technological receiving device capable of contacting any point in the galaxy, transferring a person in space and time. The object's streamlined shape and glossy smooth surfaces reflect the surrounding world.
A supernova explosion is a phenomenon of the evolution of a star, in which a mass of energy is released, and its brightness increases several times. The volumetric composition of the SUPERNOVA concept is the flow of energy at the birth of a supernova, which tend to each other, but will never meet. Supernova - as a symbol of infinitely distant worlds, the comprehension of which is possible only when traveling through space and time.