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For an entrepreneur who owns a land plot, it is important that every square meter of land makes a profit. To realize this task and ensure the most efficient use of land, the Pergaev Bureau has a special service -creating of a concept for the development of the territory.

As a part of creating a concept for the development of your territory, architects think over a scenario for using a tourist or recreational facility. This is not a business model, but a full-fledged concept of a tourist base or a recreation complex with a detailed study of the territory plan: functional zoning, number of objects, universal improvement solutions, seasonal operation options.


Depending on the request, the concept of an object can be developed at different levels. You can only come with an idea, and then the best option is a draft study: a general use case and a master plan diagram, on which key objects are indicated.

But if you have a clear understanding of what objects should be located on the territory of the recreation center, you can work out the concept more thotoughly, up to planning solutions for individual hotels, restaurants, spa centers, and so on.

Scheme of the master plan of the tourist complex Altai Eco-Village

As an example, consider the concept of the Altai Eco-Village tourist complex in Gorny Altai. The developer already had a plot of land with an area of ​​12.9 hectares, on which a small tourist base worked. The request was to use the full potential of the territory, occupy a higher price segment, stand out from the competition.

Entrance group and administrative buildings

An analysis of the competitive environment showed that there are few well-maintained tourist complexes with a memorable architectural appearance in Altai. In order to create a truly unique object on the market, the Pergaev Bureau architects proposed placing a spa complex and wellness rooms on the territory - no one else provides these services in Altai.


Territory planning is carried out taking into consideration the needs of the guests of the complex. Altai Eco-Village provides three types of housing in different price categories: units, family houses, individual houses. The latter - the most expensive, are located on the banks of the Katun river.

Individual houses are located on the shore so that each has a view of the Katun River

Common areas are located in accordance with residential areas: a playground - next to family houses, a restaurant and baths - on the river bank, closer to individual houses. The spa area and sports fields are nearby to connect the indoor tennis court and the pool with a long corridor. The central boulevard unites all zones and facilitates access to them.

Functional zoning of the tourist complex

To eliminate the seasonal use of the business, the architects provided for the functionality of the complex in the winter. The territory will be equipped for winter sports: there will be a skating rink, a ski track, a hockey rink, tubing slides, and a place for winter fishing.

Scheme of winter use of the tourist complex Altai Eco-Village

When the project is ready, the architects think over the priority of implementation: what objects need to be built in the first place, so that the territory immediately begins to make a profit.

In the case of Altai Eco-Village, the client was asked to first build 50% of each type of housing, a restaurant and a children's area, as well as administrative premises. So the tourist complex will immediately be able to receive guests. The second priority is a swimming pool and a platform for events near the restaurant, a bathhouse, an indoor playground, and the arrangement of a pedestrian boulevard. Only in the third stage, a spa complex, an indoor tennis court and other sports grounds are being built.

Scheme of priority for the construction of a tourist complex

At the end, experts calculate the approximate cost of the project, which speeds up the decision to start construction.

After the project is approved, you can go within different directions. The concept can be implemented by involving partners and authorities. Or you can sell the land along with the project: the presence of a concept for the development of the territory can multiply the value of the land.


Designing a concept for the development of territories is different from other services provided by the Pergaev Bureau: landscaping or an architectural concept. For these projects, more initial data is required, and the detail of the study is higher. In addition, landscaping does not imply the development of capital structures - usually we provide only small pavilions. However, we can incorporate existing buildings into the project or develop an additional architectural concept.


You can come to the bureau with a ready-made idea for a tourist or recreational object, or with the task of developing it from scratch, having only land with potential for development. In both cases, the Pergaev Bureau architects will help you make efficient use of every square meter of the site so that it attracts visitors and partners and ultimately makes a profit.

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